Traditional Benefit Offering, Private Exchange, or Hybrid Strategy: Which is Right for Your Workforce?

Traditional Benefit Offering, Private Exchange, or Hybrid Strategy: Which is Right for Your Workforce?

Today HR can utilize a traditional benefits administration offering, marketplace or private exchange, or – with the support of a modern technology platform – implement both simultaneously to execute a hybrid strategy. But each organization faces unique challenges, meaning no strategy is a one-size-fits-all. To determine the right fit, employers must carefully consider strategic and technological options alongside their current and future needs – and also determine their employees’ needs as benefit consumers.

Empyrean CEO Rich Wolfe Wins EBN’s Technology Innovator Award

Empyrean CEO Rich Wolfe Wins EBN’s Technology Innovator Award

Employee Benefit News has named Empyrean CEO and Co-Founder Rich Wolfe one of the top 21 innovators shaping the benefits technology landscape today.